Young Leadership Pathway (YLP)

“Go and make disciples…”

Young Leadership Pathway

A common challenge for the young Christian is finding a community that challenges and empowers them to pursue the Great Commission in their everyday life. As believers, we work to live out daily what Jesus commanded of us in His last days, “Go and make disciples…” (Matthew 28:19). San Antonio is currently one of the fastest-growing cities in the U.S with a population of over two million! Our vision is to reach lost kids, lead them to Jesus by establishing authentic relationships and disciple lifelong followers of Christ that will continue to duplicate within each community.

How do we do that?

South Texas Youth for Christ is committed to raising up leaders who are dedicated to advancing the Kingdom of God in our city. We currently have various programs designed to develop and equip leaders to live on mission with their students, volunteers, leaders and local churches to support the vision of Youth for Christ through training as they engage with lost kids and lead with a team of volunteers in their respective sites.

What do we do next?

We have different opportunities to serve within our organization based on your capacity and passion to do so. Simply click on any of the links below to discover more on how you can connect with like-minded leaders to serve students with the love and hope of Jesus Christ.

Volunteer Track

Leaders in Training

Leaders in Training are a group of individuals committed to serve each other and the mission of Youth for Christ. We are a family whose goal is to discover each ones part in the body of Christ, living out GROW, BELONG & SERVE.

YLP-Resident I

Resident I Program

The Resident I Program is designed for mature leaders seeking to pursue a calling in ministry—particularly in vocational missionary work—with youth. Although they may go to college and/or work part-time elsewhere, they’re committing 20-25 hours/week to serve alongside a team of volunteers and ministering to their students for the duration of the school year. It is a one-year commitment.

Resident I is a missional leader dedicated to the advancement of the Kingdom by serving with a team of volunteers to reach lost kids. They will be trained and equipped to assist a Site Director at one of our middle or high school campuses. They will be expected to fundraise for the mission, help lead a team of adult leaders, build relationships with students, and assist with partnering with local churches and people seeking to support the vision of YFC. The Resident I Program will meet on Thursdays weekly from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. beginning August 29th at our STYFC office. The class will include prayer, training, and coaching.

Applicants must be out of high school and be at least 18 years old to serve in our middle school sites and at least 21 years old to serve in our high school sites as of September 1st of the fall semester. You must be interviewed before applying.
Applications must be submitted by May 1, 2024.