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Hector Garcia Middle School

Campus Life MS


Lance Pierce

Campus Life and Campus Life MS ministers to high and middle school youth on campuses throughout the greater San Antonio area with weekly meetings in homes and churches. Supplemented with camping retreats and ski trips to Colorado, staff and adult volunteers find creative ways to build relationships and communicate the life-changing message of Jesus Christ with students.




Campus Life has found the importance of shared experiences between a student and caring supportive adult are indispensable. This is why we place the primary focus on relationships and not programs.Campus Life is committed to helping students as they wrestle with issues they face, both big and small, while pursuing a balanced life: mentally, physically, spiritually, and socially.Campus Life knows the journey of adolescence is different for everyone. We are committed to coming alongside students, meeting them where they are, in order to help them navigate these years.

Meet Lance

Campus Life Middle School Director
If you or someone you know is interested in serving alongside this dedicated young man to reach kids with the message of Jesus, please do not hesitate in reaching out at: